Korean actor Song Joong-ki shot to stardom in Korea, China and across the Asia after casting as a lead character in the Korean drama “Descendants of the Sun”, which hit a historical record with over 30% (with the highest shot over 40%) of the country audience. Korean male stars usually lose much of their popularity after discharged from mandatory military service, how can Song Joong-ki break the curse and even fly up higher than where he was? Let’s analyze Song Joong-ki’ path to fame by looking up his Bazi fortune-telling.

相反,以「木、火」為喜的宋仲基,木、火於他的命格中表示財、妻、名譽地位、權力,有財幫助表示一生不易有財來財去情況,即使性格分析中可見宋仲基為一個用錢不小心謹慎的人,故此聚財能力也是不錯;另外,有名譽地位幫助的他,代表他一生人也易得名譽,尤其到了逢「6」字尾的年份,例如 2006, 2016, 2026 年等,人氣地位更是急升。
According to Joong-ki’s Bazi, he is “Xin”, a Gold nature in Five Elements, and was born in the month of “You”; a person of cold predisposition and therefore his desirable elements are Wood and Fire, and undesirable elements are Metal and Water.
In his Bazi, Metal represents peers, friends and siblings, and Wood represents subordinates, junior generation and thoughts. Since Metal and Water are detrimental to him, that means there is not much useful help from peers, friends and junior generation in his lifetime; they may offer help but the help is in no way useful to him- a futile attempt, a help causing more troubles, or not willing to help wholeheartedly. Moreover, he has no power from thoughts. That means his mind tends to wander a lot yet thinking, contemplating, creating ideas are not beneficial to him.
On the contrary, Wood and Fire are in his favor. In his Bazi, Wood and Fire represents wealth, wife, fame, power and status. Having wealth means he can accumulate wealth fortune; although his Bazi shows that one of his characters is he like to spend money, he can still gather wealth. With power from fame and status, it is very easy for him to gain fame and social status, especially in years ended with “6”, such as 2006, 2016, 2026 etc.
About his characters, his external character which is apparent to his normal friends is he is indiscreet in spending money- he would buy favorite things without a second thoughts, and he likes to treat or pay for his friends. His internal character which is only manifest to his close partner and family members is he is very stubborn- he would not listen to others, no matter how good or bad their opinions are, when he has made decision. This character is total fine during the periods when he is having good luck. Besides, he likes all the mysterious stuff such as aliens, stories of Bermuda Triangle, zodiac signs, horoscopes, feng shui, fortune-telling etc. Another character is he likes to contemplate, think in a long term. As mentioned beforehand, he has no power from thoughts; to normal people, this over-thinking only leads to unproductive conclusion; however, to those who are in art, creativity or performing industry like actor Song Joong-ki, this is advantageous and essential – he can easily interpret the plot and act in that character role accordingly.
In terms of Five Elements, Song Joong-ki is of “Xin” Gold nature. In general, persons of “Xin” Gold is good looking with well-defined features, clear complexion, and well-proportioned body shape; tactful in dealing with others, affectionate, strong in pride, keen on face-saving, curious about the world, search for spiritual growth, eager to try new things, adventurous, dislike dull normal life. His birth time is “Ren Chen”, together with “Xin” Gold, he has prestigious entity. During the good lucky time, prestigious entity can boost both his fame and wealth; this also means he does not like to grovel to beg for others.
大運方面,4 - 13 歲 (1989 – 1998年) 的宋仲基為人不論日常生活還是學業上也是辛勤忙碌,但可惜由於運程一般,多勞不一定多得,故運程也只是一般且反覆不定。而 14 – 23 歲 (1999 – 2008年) 十年懶運,為人變得懶散不積極,事事喜隋遇而安,但幸而運程有小進步。現在身處的 24 – 43 歲 (2009 – 2028年) 廿年大運為他人生第一個真正好的大運時期,名為「地位提升」辛苦忙碌運,不論工作或日常生活上也是辛苦忙碌,加上如剛才所言每逢到「6」字尾的年份,如 2006, 2016, 2026年等,自己屬辛金,到了天干「丙」的流年,丙火於他的命格為「官」,丙辛相合,官來合我,令他的人氣名譽地位更可大大推向高峰,因此即使他於去年出伍,但由於他今年運行「名譽地位」提升的好運,不跌反升是正常的現象吧!
要留意的是到了他的 44 – 53 歲 (2029 – 2038年) 為他的舒服懶運,為人再次變得懶散不積極,事事喜隋遇而安,運程上不得變得慢下來且時有反覆不定的情況,而且腦內的思想也多,空想不做的情況經常發生,為人也變得不太開心,這段時期由於運程不太好,故也建議宜守不宜攻,慢慢安然渡過為佳。不過到了 54 – 73 歲 (2039 – 2058年) 為他人生財運最佳時期,尤其 60 歲後他的財運更可以倍數上升,宜從事投資性項目,收穫更是豐盛。
Analysis on his lifetime luck:
Age 4-13 (1989 – 1998)
Busy life both at home and in the school, but his fate fortune was just so-so. The increased workload did not guarantee a fruitful outcome, so his fortune at that time was temperamental.
Age 14-23 (1999 – 2008)
Ten years of laziness. Led a slouchy life, did not feel like working hard, but his fortune was better than previous ten years.
Age 24-43 (2009 – 2028)
Twenty years of good luck and status uprising, super busy period. He is now occupied with many works and assignments both in his job and in his daily life. As said beforehand, he is “Xin” gold, and years ended in “6” (e.g. 2006, 2016, 2026) are “Bing” Fire in nature. “Bing” and “Xin” perfectly match and therefore enhance his fame and social status to boost to a higher level. This tells the reason why Song Joong-ki can become big hit this year after being discharged from military enlistment just one year ago.
Age 44-53 (2029 – 2038)
Ten years of laziness again. He would tend to lead a slouchy life, just go with the flow and be ease with current situation. His fortune at that time will become temperamental. At the same time, he will tend to think too much, mostly just think but take no action, and become unhappy during this period. It is advisable for him to take conservative approach and just peacefully get through this not-so-good fortune peiord.
Age 54-73 (2039 – 2058)
The best good luck period to his wealth, especially after Age 60 his wealth fortune can increase multiply. Better to engage in investment so as to reap a bumper harvest!
About the health, keep eyes on respiratory system and digestive system such as constipation, diarrhea etc.
感情運上,30 歲前月支與地支「酉、酉」自刑,表示他與伴侶的感情時有感覺上性格不合,不是理想對象的感覺,但過了 30 歲後的關係會有很大的改善。到了 2018 年狗年,宋仲基本身屬牛,到了狗年為刑太歲,於感情上易有變化機會,如單身的他到了 2018 年會結識到新的伴侶,相反蜜運中的他到了 2018 – 2019 年不結婚 (或懷孕) 的話便有分手的危機了。
About the romance luck, before Age 30, he would tend to think he and his partner did not match in characters, and therefore was not an ideal one. However, his relationship with partner will greatly improve after Age 30.
In the dog year of 2018 when the “Ox” Joong-ki is “torturing” the presiding god, his romance status would easily change. That means if he is single at that time, he would meet a new partner; on the contrary, if he is in a relationship, they will breakup if they do not get married or have a baby in 2018.
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