【肖虎者出生年份 Born in the Year of Tiger】
1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
【整體運程 In General】
The Tigers are facing conflicts with presiding god, a kind of offending with presiding god. This would cause changes in romance, career or living environment. For those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), the changes you face are mainly in so-so or bad prospects.
For those born in spring/ summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition), the changes you face are mainly in good prospects.
Changes in your romantic status mean start a new relationship, breakup, get married, divorced or get pregnant etc.
Changes in career mean get promoted, change job, being fired, or change to another job field etc.
There are three lucky stars, Yi Ma, Yue Kong and Tian Jie.
With the mobility star Yi Ma, you are likely to travel more frequently than last year. No matter it is business- or personal-related, you tend to have many trips, or just walk around to different places, and would not stay in a place for a long time.
Yue Kong and Tian Jie can turn mishaps to good luck. They can reduce the power of inauspicious stars and the negative influence from offending with presiding god this year.
There are four inauspicious stars, Sui Po, Dao Hao, Fu Chen and Xie Ren.
Sui Po means facing conflicts with presiding god.
Dao Hao means big money loss. To prevent, you can take initiative to use a large amount of money to asset investment such as buying a house, or make long-term stock investment, or spend on wedding etc.
Fu Chen means slowing down in your career development.
Xie Ren implies bloody blade, injuries related to metal or sharp edge. You can have teeth cleaned or blood donation in Lunar January and Lunar July to pre-empt it.
【財運 Wealth】
Being badly affected by the inauspicious stars Dao Hao, the Tigers would have bigger money loss than in last year. It is advisable to take initiative to make asset investment this year such as buying house, make long-term stock investment, or spend on wedding etc.
【事業 Career】
2016 年為肖虎的你地位提升年,工作上有升遷的機會,另工作的壓力亦會較往年為多。
The Tigers enjoy uplifted social status this year, which means you have more chance to get promotion, but on the other hand the work pressure is more than last year.
【健康 Health】
As being affected by the inauspicious stars Xie Ren, the Tigers need to be very cautious this year. You are more likely to get injuries related to metal or sharp edge, such as paper cuts, knife or scissors cuts, car crash, or car accident etc, especially in Lunar January and Lunar July. Therefore you need to be very careful in these two months. You can have teeth cleaned or blood donation in the early Lunar January and Lunar July to pre-empt it.
【感情 Relationship】
由於肖虎的你今年為沖太歲年,沖即變化,感情上今年起至 2017 年新曆五月期間,易有感情上的變化,例如拍拖、分手、結婚、離婚、懷孕等的情況。如本身蜜運中又不會於今年結婚、又或已婚而暫時不希望懷孕的話,便要主動於工作事業又或住屋上作出變化,如轉工或搬屋了。
In 2016, the Tigers are facing conflicts with presiding god, and this implies changes.
From 2016 to May 2017, you tend to have changes in your romantic status, such as starting a new relationship, breakup, get married, divorced or get pregnant etc.
If you are in a stable relationship and do not want to have the above mentioned changes, you need to take initiative to change our career and living environment, such as change your job, or move house.
【增運錦囊 Tips to Enhance Your Luck】
To minimize the bad effects from facing conflicts with presiding god this year, for those born in spring/ summer (Hot / Neutral predisposition), you can place a music box in both the east and northeast locations of your home, and every day wind it up once. At the same time, put a glass of water in each of the following locations of your home: the south, west, and north locations.
For those born in autumn / winter (Cold predisposition), put a water potted plant in both the east and south locations of your home. At the same time, place a red object like red pocket or red banner in the west location, and put a small stone in the north location of your home.
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